The Leader welcomes Cary Crosby as the new marketing representative.
A native of Clear Lake, Crosby has had a long-time interest in all aspects of the media field. Following high school, he attended Riverland Technical Institute (formerly Austin Technical Institute) in Austin, Minn. from 1987 to 1989 for mass communications He attended NIACC from 1994 to 1996 and received an AA in general studies.
“During my time in the mass communications field, I was on several radio stations in the area,” he said. “I helped many of them out with sales and promotions while I was there.”
Crobsy has 30 years experience in retail sales, as either a manager or assistant manager.
“I can honestly say my favorite part of all those years in sales was working with my customers and getting to know them,” he said.
“I found sales is much the same as working in communications because you have to be able to convey thoughts and ideas so your customer can understand them. Communication is always a universal key.”
Cary joined the staff at The Leader on October 26.
“It’s amazing to watch them put together all the things that go into the paper every week,” he remarked. “As the marketing representative for The Leader I want to be able to hold myself to such a high standard as well. I plan on getting to know all the area business in Hancock and the surrounding counties. I am looking forward to doing what I can to help them grow their businesses.”
He noted that many businesses are family-owned and have been in the family for years. Others are newer establishments.
“I want to be the go-to person when they want to spread the word about themselves or have a special promotion. My goal is to help them increase their customer base and grow their business so they can be successful for years to come.”
Cary and his wife, Jennifer, have a son and daughter, two granddaughters, and several dogs and cats. He enjoys sports. He also is a big music fan and enjoys volunteering at the Surf Ballroom.
He can be reached at The Leader by phone: 641-923-2684 (office), 641-529-2210 (cell) or by email: