There is a bare holiday tree filling out the window of the Postville Herald office waiting to be covered with hats, mittens, gloves, scarfs, coats, and other outerwear to be donated by the community. Winter gear will be donated to the Postville Schools and distributed by the guidance department to those students who do not have adequate or appropriate winter clothing.
Under the tree is empty as well – just waiting to be piled with food stuffs and personal hygiene supplies for the Postville Food Pantry. According to Barbara Herzmann, some of the items in greatest need are “Canned fruits and vegetables, especially corn, which is a client favorite. Sugar is always needed and we never have enough jam and jelly.” Herzmanns commented that the Postville community had been very generous during COIVD and with some of the funds she had been able to purchase extra things such as diapers, paper products, and soaps. “All these things are needed and are not often not donated.”
Any and all donations will be welcomed. Donations will be accepted during regular office hours at the Herald. The drive will be held from Nov. 23 – December 29, 2021. It is our hope to post updates/photos on the tree filling up in the Herald – so let’s show that Postville Proud Community.