Council awards a contract for downtown facade project

Following review of the bid documents, the Eagle Grove City Council awarded the contract for mitigation of asbestos containing materials to Site Services of Algona for the downtown façade project. For a bid price of $4,340, they will properly handle any materials described and dispose of same in compliance with existing regulations for the materials.

The Council also wants to be sure residents have the safest drinking water possible, and therefore set a public hearing for the June 1 meeting to review an application for a State Revolving Fund loan for improvements to the city’s water infrastructure as part of the CDBG water/sewer project. The proposed project will include addition and replacement of water mains, fire hydrants and gate valves and/or valve boxes with surface replacement. Methods will include directional drilling and open cut with trenches approximately 10 feet wide by the length of the install.

The Council set another public hearing, this time for the June 15 meeting, to deal with the receipt, consideration and possible approval of proposals for disposal and redevelopment of the city-owned property at 211 North Iowa. Information packets for potential bidders will be available at City Hall, and proposals are due back no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 30th. It must include the proposed plan for redeveloping the property. 

In other action the Council:

-approved the hiring, and were introduced to, Eagle Grove’s newest police officer Mark Hennigar (watch for a story on officer Hennigar in an upcoming edition of the Eagle);

-approved a beer/liquor license for El Jalapeno Bar & Grill. 


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