It seems as though everybody in Eagle Grove came out to show their congratulations for the Eagle Grove High School Class of 2020 during the graduation parade held on Sunday, May 17 – what was originally supposed to be Commencement Day. But like everything else since mid-March, COVID-19 forced things to be done differently, hence the vehicle parade around town to make due until, hopefully, a real ceremony can be held.
The senior class voted on how they would like to handle graduation in this time of pandemic. The majority vote won, and that was to wait and see if they could hold a traditional graduation like all the classes before them – only on June 20 instead of May 17. Of course, this is still contingent on the guidelines that are in place due to the pandemic. If they are not able to be inside at the elementary gymnasium, the option they would look at is using the football field and keeping families and graduates socially distanced.
“If the (COVID-19) cases continue to climb, how will that affect our decision?” Eagle Grove Schools Superintendent Jess Toliver questions.
It really has to be on a wait-and-see basis. The issue is scheduled to be discussed in more detail at the June 8 School Board meeting.
At that same meeting they will be discussing Prom. It is the hope of all EGHS juniors and seniors that the event will be able to be held, but the board will have a discussion as to what is and is not possible depending on social distancing guidelines that are now, and may be in place in the coming weeks. As for Prom, sadly, Toliver said that as far as it being a school function, that is not looking like it will happen since school is no longer in session.
Toliver is happy to say that the Free Summer Lunch Program is once again being served. Please be reminded that this is different from the meals that were provided during the Coronavirus hiatus from school. Summer breakfasts/lunches now all need to be picked up at Robert Blue Middle School. Vans will not be going around town like they were doing the last few months. Both breakfasts and lunches will be given out to students at the same time in the morning. There are also pick-up sites in Thor and Woolstock. This program is for all students up to the age of 18, regardless of income, so please utilize this free service.