A new look is dawning in Eagle Grove

2012 Eagle Grove High School graduate, Rachael “Ray” Smith, is honored to be giving back to her hometown. The Eagle Grove Eagle announced this past January that Ray had designed and was commissioned to paint a new mural for Eagle Grove on the west side of the Ben Franklin store. She has begun the masterpiece – and this is how it looked as of Friday, June 27. Keep an eye on the transformation as it develops into something new and exciting for Eagle Grove. Pictured in the bottom right corner of the photo is Smith’s sketch of the mural she submitted to the Eagle Grove Area Chamber of Commerce when they were accepting ideas. “The Eagle Grove Chamber of Commerce is excited to see the beginning stages of the new mural. Ray is working to create a fresh, upbeat, and hopeful landscape to remind us of the beauty and positivity around us,” said Sara Middleton.


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