Pomp and unusual Circumstance

High school graduation is a milestone in one’s life – 13 years of learning, growing, and preparing for the future – celebrated.  But for the Class of 2020, it’s safe to say, the finish to their senior year was anything but ordinary.  They didn’t get to have their chance to enjoy that one last day in the hallways of the school; they didn’t get to say their final goodbyes to teachers and underclassmen; and they didn’t get to have their Commencement in May thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic.

But for most members of the Eagle Grove High School Class of 2020, patience paid off and they finally got their graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 27, on the high school football field – except for two of them, Megan Schafer and Jacob Graham, who had to have their own private graduation celebration. You see, the two had unfortunately come in contact with a COVID-19 individual.  Since that requires a two-week quarantine period, that meant the two classmates were unable to attend for the sake of their fellow classmates.

But that didn’t stop them from having a graduation they will never forget.  Shonda and Aaron Schafer made sure to make the most out of an “unusual Circumstance” for their daughter and her friend.  They held a graduation ceremony the two would never forget…in their very own front yard.  Shonda said the idea first came to her when she got a message from Lori Olson saying they should give Megan her diploma at home while watching the live feed of graduation when her name was read.  

“I said something to Aaron about it and then he came up with the idea of using the wrestling podium and having her walk across it like a stage,” explained Shonda.  “Then I came up with the idea of doing some speeches too.”

During the YouTube video, the Schafer’s noticed that Jacob was not at the ceremony either, so they called him up and invited him over and join Megan.  They both wore their cap and gowns.

“I and Megan’s brothers wrote a little speech about Megan and Aaron, Jacob’s wrestling coach, wrote a speech about Jake,  and so we did the little pomp and circumstance,” said Shonda.  

“It was really tough not being at (the group) graduation,  but my parents made sure that Jake and I felt equally celebrated,” explained Megan.  “My parents wrote speeches for Jake and I wishing us luck in the future and had us walk across the ‘stage’ while handing us our diplomas. It was so extremely special to me and I’m so grateful to have parents who make the most out of every situation. I loved the ceremony my parents put on.  I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Jake agreed, saying “I felt appreciated by Aaron and Shonda for giving us a once-in-a -lifetime ceremony and it went well.  It wasn’t the real ceremony, but we got to hear some words that you don’t hear at a normal graduation.”

“It was very thoughtful of the Schafer’s to include Jacob,” said his mom, Reina Whitmer-Robinson.  “I was sad he wasn’t going to be able to attend the graduation ceremony, but they made up for it.  The personal speeches were icing on the top and made me tear up as I watched the video.”

Reina and Darren were at the high school ceremony to watch Josh Graham celebrate his graduation, as well as Darren being the School Board representative for the celebration.

“Jake was quarantined so we weren’t exposed to him since he was camping with his dad,” explained Reina.  


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