School Board hears plan for weight room re-opening

At this past Monday’s meeting of the Eagle Grove Board of Education, AD Rich Thacker presented his plan for the re-opening of the weight room/training facility at the high school.

According to Thacker, it will primarily involve the student-athletes out for fall sports. “The emphasis is going to be relationship-building and creating a positive, encouraging and rewarding environment for participants,” he stated. “Greater attention will be given to making everyone there feel safe and welcomed over intense skill development or conditioning at this time.”

The fall athletes will come in Monday, Wednesday and Friday with all others on Tuesday and Thursday. It will generally not be open for the rest of summer break, instead each sport will incorporate their workout into open gym time. All IGHSAU and IHSAA requirements will be followed when and where applicable, and and disinfectant spray bottles will be readily available. There will also be a plan in place for wrestling mat wipe-down towels.

The athletes will be responsible to bring their own hydration and personal protective gear such as hand sanitizer and/or face masks. Locker rooms will be strictly off limits to all athletes, and restroom use will be discouraged unless absolutely necessary.

The coaches will update a shared tracking sheet each day. “If players are experiencing any symptoms they will be sent home immediately, with their parents and myself called, and will not be allowed to participate until they are 48 hours symptom free and/or have tested negative per county public health office recommendation. As usual, anyone with known exposure will be quarantined for 14 days.” He finished by outlining each individual sports plan for the year on where and when they will work out. If you wish to learn those details concerning your son(s) or daughter(s), contact their respective coach.

 In other action the Board:

-designated the following depository banks and maximum amounts-First National Bank $7,000,000; UMB Bank 4,000,000;

-appointed Teresa Sadler as Board Secretary/Treasurer;

-appointed Rick Engel as Attorney and Chief Negotiator;

-approved the list of the graduating class of 2020;

-approved resignations from Courtney Anderson and Naomi Pool as teacher associates, and approved a contract for Radney Roosa (assistant girls basketball) and a contract change for Jeanette White (MA Step 3);

-approved the 28e agreement for the Iowa Central college classes taught at the high school;

-approved the final reading of the policy book for the 20-21 school year.


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