In this difficult time of dealing with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have needed to find innovative ways of dealing with life as usual. This forced head boys basketball coach Ryan Pedersen to seek out other options for his charges to practice. The newly-renovated Hewett Park facilities proved to be the perfect answer to the problem.
“I thought doing our workouts outside would help keep everyone safe,” stated Pedersen. “Since the pandemic started, we haven’t had any indoor sports activity. I worried about having all of the athletes working out inside, touching the same ball, etc. Also the disinfecting of the balls and equipment causes an issue as well. I think this way it gives the parents peace of mind in that we’re trying to do everything we can to try to keep their children safe.”
He is pleased to report that interest and attendance has picked up. Starting at nine athletes the first session, They had 13 participating this past Sunday night. “Of course I would love to have more,” said the coach. “I’ve opened the sessions up to 7th through 12th girls and boys. I would hope to have around 20 taking part, I think that would be a good number.” He is planning for at least two more Sunday evening sessions along with possibly one or two weekday sessions depending on weather. He is assisted at each session by Park/Rec director Zach Whipple.
He feels everyone is taking the change very well. “I haven’t had anyone complain about it,” said Pedersen. “Obviously we would all like to be in the gym this summer, but I didn’t think that was the safest or best decision for our team.” He feels that no matter whether the practices are inside, or outside, any practices are beneficial to the student-athletes. “The main idea is just getting them out of the house and getting them active,” he said. “Some of my players haven’t participated in any type of physical activity since last basketball season. I’m hoping these workouts will jump-start the boys and girls.” He also has designed the drills so they can do them on their own, and that they just have to be disciplined enough to train themselves.
The coach is now considering doing this every year going forward. “I would maybe alternate sites, one day inside the next outdoors,” said Pedersen. “We have a great setup at Hewett Park now. The new courts and hoops look great. Zach did a great job of planning out the facilities. I would love to have some sort of tournament or summer league in the future. I would love to keep helping boys and girls of all ages improve their basketball skills.”
The seniors seem to all like this new location as well. “It’s the best thing we’ve got right now,” said Austin Purcell. “Getting into the gym now is a hard procedure. It helps with keeping my skills up, and it’s better than just sitting at home.”
“It’s a little hot out, but I’m glad we’re doing stuff and working on our game,” said Jake Darland. “It helps with staying in condition and keeping in the flow of the game when we get to practice later this year.”
“I’m glad we have a way to get out and be active,” said Chase Mason. “We can better ourselves and the team by keeping our skills sharp. I’d rather be out here than in the gym.”