After the first attempt at receiving bids ended with all being higher than the engineers estimate, the Council approved the revised set of plans, specs and related documents for the downtown revitalization project on 12 various city buildings. Bids will be received by city administrator Bryce Davis until June 28, and then will be publicly opened and tabulated followed approving the winning bid at the August 17 regular Council meeting.
Following a review of project specs and bid tabulation, the Council awarded contracts to Konomi Construction of Eldora for two separate CDBG housing sustainability projects. The property at 811 North Wright had a bid of $21,825 and the property at 219 Northeast Ninth $27,700. The latter was contingent on approval of a change order of $5,200 to be deducted from that total. That bid was over the allowable budget, so the house siding was removed from the project.
By resolution vote on each, the Council approved two 20-21 transfers. $5,500 was moved from employee benefits, water and sewer funds to the self insurance fund, and monthly transfers at the rate of 50 cents per utility bill with a garbage charge included to the general fund.
In other action the Council:
-approved switching credit card processing providers, going now with Forte through the city’s G-Works accounting system;
-approved beer/liquor/wine licenses for El Valle Tienda y Carniceria and El Jalepeno outdoor service.