Eagle Grove Nice

If you’ve grown up anywhere in or around Iowa, you’ve probably heard the phrase “Iowa Nice.” It’s a statement that describes the generosity, the compassion, and the helpfulness of the people of Iowa in only two words. Eagle Grove is filled with these kind of people who couldn’t make that phrase any more true.

In a small community it’s easy to believe that everyone knows everyone. That’s not true, but it still feels that way because what it really is, is that somebody knows somebody else who is ready and willing to help when needed. Take for example the case of a man we’ll call “John” to protect his identity. Eagle Grove Chamber Director Sara Middleton knew John, and she knew he was in need of a little assistance. A few weeks ago, she reached out to TJ Huntley, owner of Huntley’s PitStop in Eagle Grove, to see if she would be willing to prepare and deliver meals to John’s house. Huntley was happy to provide her services and soon discovered what a kind man John was. The more she got to know him, the more she wanted to help him and soon began doing his grocery shopping and running errands for him.

Then came the day that John needed to be hospitalized and Huntley knew this was the opportunity to do even more for this man who had quickly become more of a friend than a client. She and her four children, Hannah, Tori, Nick, and Preston, rounded up some of their friends to give John’s house a little make-over. Very early on make-over day, joining the Huntley family were Joel Mendoza, Jack Mendoza, Kiera Matthes, Alaura Lewis, Emma Thul, Emma Johnston, Alex Huffacker, Alex Nessa, and Thomas Matthes.

“We worked all day,” said TJ Huntley.

But lots of hands make for light work and in one day they were able to move all the furniture out of the house, remove the carpet (where they found newspapers from 1934 as an underlay to the carpet) and laid new carpet, cleaned the hardwood floors, washed the curtains, wiped off the paneling, cleaned the bathroom, polished everything, and even gave the dog a bath.

“The reason I helped out with cleaning the house is because Tori had messaged me saying that they were renovating a house and could use all the help they could get. I told her I would love to,” said Emma Johnston. “It’s always been in my best interest to help others and “John” sincerely deserved it. Seeing the house all cleaned up was amazing!”

Alaura Lewis added, “I love helping people and helping around the community. When the Huntley’s asked me to help, of course I wanted to. It took some time, but his house looked amazing after. I’m so happy that I got to be apart of it.”

TJ Huntley and the crew are excited for John to see his house when he returns home from the hospital. They are excited to show him what it means to be Eagle Grove Nice and they are excited to keep developing their friendship.




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