Mike Hennigar is Eagle Grove’s new police sergeant

Mike Hennigar has 20 years experience in law enforcement, but admits he still couldn’t see it coming that he would be offered this promotion.

“We all interviewed, so I knew I had a chance,” said Hennigar. “It was unexpected, as there’s other officers that have been here longer. I always wanted to move up in the ranks.”

He admits he’s liking it here since starting in early May, and with his experience he likes being available to help the other guys.

“I get a lot of calls (from them) on my days off,” said Hennigar. “It’s a young department here, and I like to be available to them and it’s nice I can help them out.”

He previously served as an officer and chief of police in Kanawha from 2000 to 2014, then took a few years off before working on the Clarion force for two years before coming here. His choice of this as a career was an easy one.

“My dad was a cop and the chief in Clarion,” said Hennigar. “I was able to ride along with him. I grew up around it. I had two uncles who were cops and two aunts who were dispatchers. There is also several EMT’s in our family.”

He also got into this because he enjoys helping people. “I really like all the friendly people here,” said Hennigar. “Bryce Davis is amazing to work with, and Chief Beltran and Captain Stuckey really want to improve the department, which is nice to see.”

When he worked in Kanawha, the new sergeant said he was coming over to Eagle Grove a lot in the late 90’s.

“It’s not what it used to be like here,” he added. “Within the last five years there’s been some big changes in this department. With Bryce’s efforts, the pay and benefits offered can draw in good officers.”

Citizens have been very welcoming to him. “My favorite part is dealing with the public,” he said. “When you can help someone that really needs help, and they say thank you, it’s very rewarding. I’m not out there just to write tickets.”

Hennigar is married to Stephanie, and together they have an eight-year old daughter and a four-year old boy. They’re planning on putting their current home in Clarion on the market soon and then look for a place here to move into. In his spare time, he enjoys pretty much anything outdoors including hunting, camping, fishing and a little boating.

“Come up to me sometime when you see me out and about and introduce yourself,” said Hennigar. “If you have any questions just ask. We’ll be happy to do what we can to help you out.”



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