Following Board of Education action this past Monday, the Eagle Grove School District will spend nearly $1 million dollars on the Emerson building to use as needed classroom space.
According to Superintendent Jess Toliver, there was a high level of interest in the project as six bidders submitted proposals. “The bids were competitive, and came in about where we expected,” said Toliver. Kingland Construction Services of Forest City is the successful bidder at $927,700. SVP Architects of West Des Moines stated that the company has past experience with commercial projects of this scale and larger. They further stated that references received indicated all positive experiences and clients would hire them again. Following a public hearing, the Board approved awarding the bid.
In reports from the three building principals, Jared Carder at the elementary feels the year is off to a great start. “The kids have been doing a great job of wearing their masks and shields,” said Carder. “There are the occasional reminders, but for the most part that has been a non-issue. This week the students and staff are participating in dress-up days for homecoming and there has been a lot of excitement around that. We are most of the way through our FAST reading screner that helps to give teachers direction on their literacy instruction and interventions.”
Scott Jeske feels the year has started well in his building too. “Our students have been spectacular so far,” he said. “The work we did this summer, including the use of PPE and having more stringent guidelines about student movement, has been successful. We are ready to go Hybrid and online if needed, but so far so good! After the first 15 days, we have had only two students receive ODR’s and those were for a technology violation. The students have been very respectful of the situation.”
He was informed the school received a $15,000 grant from the Bayer Fund. Local farmers made the nomination, with Jeske writing the grant used for CNC machines for the Discovery Center. Students have taken screening tests on Fastbridge. “It’s giving us a good idea of where they are in terms of reading, math and social/emotional health,” he said. “We will use this information to help develop plans on how to help our students who are struggling academically or emotionally.” He closed by saying that for this week’s PD day the teachers will be learning how to better analyze data from a couple of screener programs dealing with the issues mentioned earlier. “Social/emotional learning will be a major emphasis this year at RBMS,” he said.
Principal Heidi Garcia reports all is going well at the high school. “Students and staff have settled into their routines,” she said. “This week in homecoming! Our theme is ‘within our walls – 100 years of Eagle Grove pride.’ Remember the parade on Friday at 2:30, with coronation of the new royalty at halftime of the game with Southeast Valley. A dance will follow on the field starting at 10 p.m.”
The building is using a new online program for classes call Edmentum. “Right now we have 24 students online from home,” said Vasquez. “We have additional students using the program for credit recovery or taking additional courses that conflict with their schedule.” She also wants social media users to know that Eagle pride will be #EGnation for communicating. “You will start to see that used in other ways, such as on clothing, etc
In other action the Board:
-accepted resignations from Corey Rutherford (assistant football), Heather Darland (secretary), Carolyn Ferry (cooks helper) and Jamie Weber, Jordan Janssen and Stacy Halgrim (teacher associates);
-approved contracts for Jenice Hammitt (high school teacher), Angela Anderson (TLC), Korey Link (custodian), Eric Kist (assistant football) and Dina Figueroa (secretary);
-approved contract changes for Megan Erdman (BA +24 Step 5), Ryan Pedersen (BA +8 Step 10), Clarissa Welsh (BA +16 Step 2), Allyn LeDoux (MA Step 0), Julie Schreiber (BA +24 Step 6), Jenice Hammitt (MA Step 0);
-approved open enrollment requests for four students from C-G-D, one student from West Hancock, four to Fort Dodge Public, one to Webster City, one to Humboldt and one to C-G-D.