Wright County Public Health updates quarantine guidance

COVID information and guidelines have proven to be ever-changing since the start of the pandemic in March. As officials learn more, they do their best to keep the public informed and safe. Wright County epidemiologist Sandy McGrath stresses, however, that we must all continue to monitor ourselves for symptoms and wear masks at all times to do our part in eliminating the Coronavirus.

As of Dec. 2, 2020, Wright County Public Health has made two significant changes to our county’s quarantine guidance – the first is that if you have been exposed to a COVID-positive person for more than 15 minutes, and were within six feet and one is not wearing a mask, then you should be tested FIVE (not three) DAYS AFTER EXPOSURE. The other big change is that if you choose to not get tested, you must remain in quarantine for 10 days from exposure (it was 14 days).

So…here is a quick recap:

Were you within six fee of a confirmed COVID case for at least 15 minutes? If yes, was the exposure in a residential/household or healthcare setting? If yes, do you have symptoms? Then quarantine 14 days and get tested. If no, quarantine for 10 days from exposure if you do not get tested and 7 days from exposure if you do get tested and receive a negative test back (but continue to monitor for symptoms). If your test is positive, then quarantine for 10 days from the date of the test.

If you are in proximity of a COVID-positive case but BOTH you and the other person were wearing a mask, there is no need for you to quarantine, however, continue to monitor yourself for symptoms.



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