Sarah Sisson of Eagle Grove runs an in-home daycare service. Like all daycare providers, she is always looking for ways to keep her kids entertained, engaged, and following the rules. While going through an online learning site that she follows, she came across a wonderful idea…Santa cams.
What better way to encourage positive behavior this time of year than by letting children know that Santa has his eyes on them, making sure they make good choices and are mom and dad's happy little helpers?! Since she loves to do crafts, she got busy and made 12 of them…one for each kid. After about three hours, the Santa cams were ready for delivery – but how?
Sisson came up with the creative idea to have Santa deliver them to her house, along with a personalized note. It told them that they were to take them home and hang them up where Santa could check in on them from time to time as he wanted.
"The kids were pretty excited," said Sisson.
The parents loved them too. Who couldn't use a little extra encouragement for their kids to be extra nice?!
"The parents appreciate having it to refer to in situations as needed," explained Sisson.
"Lincoln think's it's pretty neat. Santa can see him/keep an eye on him," said Heather Evje, Lincoln's mom. "When he opened it and I told him what it was he said, 'How'd Santa get them to Sarah?'"
Alyssa Dooley, whose twin daughter Avery and Aubrey got to Sisson's daycare said it's been a great addition to their home this holiday season.
"Between our Elf on the shelf, Eddie, and the Santa cam, we have been able to check the kids' behavior. When their attitudes begin to head south, we like to remind them Santa's watching and it's amazing how fast things turn around," she said.
But not all Santa cams were given away. Sisson kept one in her own home as well. While it's helping to make sure the kids are on their best behavior at daycare, Sisson reminds her own kids that Santa knows what they are doing and has extra help because of the camera. Her youngest son especially enjoys checking on it.Santa cams