Goody bags brighten moods

Robert Blue Middle School Principal Scott Jeske admits this has been a tough year for both staff and students alike. From ever-changing COVID protocols, to sick students, to missing staff, it’s placed challenge after challenge in front of the school district. Add that to the fact that there was lots of disappointment that the annual community feast and student talent show would not be able to go on as usual – it was the perfect recipe for disappointment.

That’s when Jeske and his outstanding staff got busy and thought of a few ways to still make the season merry and bright. They found a way to still offer a talent show, but it would have to be in the form of a video…and no parents would be allowed in to watch.

“It was really hard to get the kids excited about a virtual talent show,” admitted Jeske.

In fact, up until the final day or two that video submissions were due, they thought they were going to have to cancel it all together because of lack of participation…but then the kids came through. They realized that if their teachers and principal were willing to go to all the work of planning it and putting it together, they could do their part and share their talents.

Ironically, the video-version brought out a new sampling of talents that have never been seen before at the middle school talent show. Kids got really creative and showed off some more “untraditional” talents. For instance, one girls showed how to put on makeup to look like a reindeer. How fun and creative.

To brighten moods, teachers also held classroom parties at the end of the day Tuesday, Dec. 22 before students were released for winter break. Some rooms played board games, others watched movies, and some, like those in Carrie Christopher’s room, enjoyed a game of interactive Clue. Surprisingly, the game of Clue was completely knew to some kids, so Christopher enjoyed exposing them to something new that challenged their minds. ALL of the rooms enjoyed food and drinks.

“We tried to make the day a little extra fun for them since things had to be different this year,” said Jeske.

The final treat – Robert Blue Middle School staff took the time to assemble goody bags for each and every student in the school. Anonymous donations helped to purchase all kinds of goodies like gum, Air Heads, fun fruits…and so much more. They were even all packaged in a neat little pencil bag. You could tell the kids really appreciated the gift when they were distributed.

Jeske is hoping that the goody bag will help the kids realize that even when things are tough (like this year has been), there is always something good to be thankful for and to focus on. Here’s to 2021 being something else to be excited about.



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