Board hears about moving to next vaccination group in February

During the Monday meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors, Sandy McGrath with Public Health noted in her weekly COVID update that there has been 1,630 positive cases since March. For vaccine news, she said that the state will likely move into the next priority group, 1B, at the beginning of February. This group includes persons 75 and older, fire, law enforcement and essential workers, persons who have a caregiver in their home and the caregiver, teachers and childcare providers, manufacturers that work in condensed settings and those in congregate settings. McGrath said that public health is already planning for those large-scale vaccination clinics. She emphasized that they will keep the public informed about these via news media, social media, and other outlets. McGrath said, “Everyone is working together well, and I have no doubt we can get this done.” 

The board held a brief conference call with Franklin County pertaining to some work on a shared drainage district. Both counties agreed on a change order decreasing the amount of the contract by $46,000. The Wright County board also signed the final contract with Reutzel Excavating for upcoming work on DD #117.  

In other business, Shari Plagge, head of the Wellness Committee, presented the 2021 ISAC Wellness Contract. She noted that it is similar to last year’s where county employees have a chance to complete goals to earn incentives. The county can also save money on insurance premiums if most of the employees complete the goals. Ryan Berven with Group Benefits Partners joined the meeting via Zoom to discuss health insurance, Avesis, and dental renewal for county employees.


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