The Wright County Board of Supervisors held a special meeting on January 20 to discuss the proposed property tax levy for next fiscal year.
The public notice posted in the county newspapers last week showed a planned 7.24% increase in the General Basic and General Supplemental tax levy, increasing $367,073 from the prior year. Regarding the explanation of increases in the budget, the meeting minutes emphasized that this past year has seen many changes in the county. There continues to be ongoing maintenance to buildings and equipment, COVID, Public Health Reorganization, and increase funding to the Communication Center.
The public hearing and then the final vote on the proposed property tax levy will be held at the next supervisor’s meeting on Monday, February 8 at 10:00 a.m. As always, citizens may join the meeting via Zoom. The information for the meeting may be found on the county’s website- and then by going to the Board of Supervisors page.