School Board hears initial proposal from bargaining unit

The EGESA presented their initial proposal to the Board of Directors at this past Monday’s meeting. They are asking for a 10 cents per hour increase to the cook’s salary schedule and a 25 cents base increase. They propose a total package of $17,026 (3.26 percent) for regular educators and $61,772 (3.29 percent) including special ed, associates and cooks. The Board accepted it, and must now present a counter proposal within two weeks which will require a special session to prepare that.


In reports from the three building administrators, Jared Carder at the elementary said that a recent PD day covered the new reading curriculum. They are in the process of finishing winter testing, and also conducted a program for helping students feel safe. They are partnering with Mrs. Putney’s English class in having some high school students come in once a week to read to a group of students.


Scott Jeske from RBMS also said the students in his building are finishing testing and the staff is putting an emphasis on reading scores. Students talked about bullying at a recent focus time, and he announced a modified Aaron Eilerts Day on February 24 will be a bit different due to COVID. “We have a few projects planned, but not as much going on as in years previous,” said Jeske.


Heidi Vasquez at the high school told about a recent effort to get students caught up on their work, and it proved extremely successful. “We reduced failing grades by 600 percent,” she said. “Students and teachers put in a lot of time and effort to get these credits earned.” Alpha testing starts this week in her building.


In other action the Board:

-approved an early retirement application from Scott Jeske and resignations from Chase Quintus (teacher associate) and Ashley Mrla (nurse assistant;

-approved a contract for Gayleen Rutherford (school nurse);

-approved five separate change orders totaling $4,575.26 for the administration building project;

-approved a request be submitted for $56,186.29 as a modified supplemental amount for an environmental hazard abatement (asbestos and old chemicals from the chemistry lab);

-approved several board policy updates related to changes in the chapter dealing with seclusion and restraints in schools.


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