Council sets fee schedule

The Eagle Grove City Council approved by a resolution vote the fee schedule, which outlines all fees, rates and charges as follows: Parking ticket-$25; Snow Ban parking ticket-$50; Police report (accidents, incidents, officer, arrest, etc.)-$25; Police DVD and digital recordings-$30; Fireworks permit-$10; Golf cart permit-$25; Fee for copies-.50 cents per page; Non-profit rent of Memorial Hall-$100.


They approved the sharing agreement to again partner with the Chamber of Commerce to advance downtown revitalization efforts. In return, the City would contribute $8,400 in two equal installments to the Chamber. In her letter making the request to continue this, Executive Director Sara Middleton pointed out that she has spent much of 2020 finding resources and implementing initiatives to assist organizations in weathering the storm of COVID-19. That includes such things as the gift card and Chamber Bucks program which went well as $30,000 more in bucks was sold this past year, coordinating funding and completion of the mural at Commercial and West Broadway, meeting with building owners and partners in the current downtown façade revitalization project and applying for and receiving a $3,500 WCCF grant for assisting new small businesses.


The Council set a public hearing for the March 1 meeting (which will be by either phone or Zoom) to consider approval of the maximum property tax dollars for the next fiscal year. It would raise the levy rate from the current 14.823 for 20-21 to 15.504 for 21-22. This increase is due to insurance costs including property, liability, employee benefits (health insurance) and workman’s compensation insurance. In addition, some employee health insurance coverage switched from single to family, which is more costly.


In other action the Council:

-accepted the City audit report as presented by TP Anderson;

-following a public hearing, entered into a GO annual appropriation urban renewal loan agreement not to exceed $2.2 million in connection with the Wellness Center expansion project;

-reviewed and discussed the spring or fall cleanup.


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