Two weeks ago we brought you an article that informed you of the city requirements for not parking your vehicles on the street when a snow event is predicted According to the Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236 [1]) 3.
“People need to realize how difficult they are making it for our workers to go around vehicles and clean off the streets,” commented Eagle Grove Chief of Police Ray Beltran.
But it’s not just vehicles that people need to pay attention to when it snows. Beltran is reminding the public that the City also has an ordinance that requires residents to clear their sidewalks within 48 hours after snowfall stops. If you do not, you are subject to prosecution for a municipal infraction pursuant to Chapter 4 of the City Code – which means a monetary fine, just like if you leave your car parked on the street. A municipal infraction is considered a misdemeanor under Chapters 687 through 747 of the Code of Iowa punishable by a civil penalty of up to $750 for the first offense.
“The police department doesn’t want to write tickets,” said Beltran. “It is about helping the postal carriers, students walking to and from school, and citizens walking/exercising during nicer days.”
Beltran said he realizes there are people in this community who are unable to shovel or plow their own sidewalks due to health, age, etc. If you fall into one of these categories, or you do not have a neighbor or the capabilities to hire the job done, you don’t need to panic. Beltran stated that all it takes is a call to City Hall (448-4343).
“Somehow, we will try to help them out,” said Beltran for those who meet the criteria.
A few tips about sidewalk snow removal from the CIty:
Clear your sidewalk AFTER the snow plows have finished plowing your street. It’s not uncommon for snow to build up at the end of your driveway when they go down the edge of the curb.
– When you remove snow from your driveway or sidewalk, remember it is against the City ordinance to place snow onto any public street, sidewalk, or right-of-way. Be respectful of where it goes. Don’t make someone else’s job harder, or defeat the work they’ve already done – be it the City or a neighbor.
“It is very important for the citizens of Eagle Grove and Goldfield to be prepared for snow. Any time there is more than an inch of snow, the Snow Ban goes into effect. Vehicles need to be removed from the streets,” said Beltran for the first article.
The same is true for removal of snow from the sidewalks.
“I’ve literally seen kids walking out on the street because of snow-covered sidewalks,” said Beltran.
That’s just not safe.