Council sets date for hearing on NW First rehab


The Eagle Grove City Council has scheduled a public hearing for the April 5 regular meeting to take comments and then act on the plans, specs, form of contract and engineer’s estimate for the 2021 street improvement project for Northwest First.


Six blocks of the street will see total reconstruction from North Iowa to Hewett, with the project broken down into three divisions for potential bidders. The base bid will be for a concrete roadway, with an alternate bid for hot mix asphalt also being accepted. Either way, the project includes sanitary and storm sewer work and ADA compliant sidewalks. Once the hearing is held and plans approved, the Council set a bid-letting date of the April 19 regular meeting to possibly award the project.


They also set a public hearing for the May 17 meeting on the disposal of public property in the Rotary Addition. According to City Administrator Bryce Davis, this is required for any disposal of property such as this. All lots are included. Following the short agenda, the Council members spent the rest of the time reviewing and discussing FY22 budget items in further preparation of the final budget for approval at a future meeting.


In other action the Council:

-approved a building permit for Martha Kaiser for a restaurant/bar at 314 West Broadway (this was a change from an earlier permit approval) and a beer/liquor/wine license upgrade from Class B to Class C for El Valle Tiendo.


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