It’s been more than a year now that we’ve all been living our lives a little more cautiously since the outbreak of COVID-19. Quarantine left many of us looking for new and exciting ways to entertain ourselves at home…since so much more time was spent there. Probably not surprisingly, lots of people turned to reading. What might be surprising, however, is that an abundance of those books were on loan from the Eagle Grove Memorial Library…even though they were closed.
When “non-essential” businesses were ordered to close, Library Director Jan Grandgeorge and her team found a way to still continue serving the public, but safely, and following the guidelines set forth by the state as well as Wright County Public Health. They did this, and continue to do it until they open again in the future, by providing curbside pick-up. The library’s catalog is available online and materials may be searched for and reserved. Then, all it takes is a phone call to the library (448-4115) to request the materials you want. They check them out for you and deliver it to your car when you arrange a pick-up time.
“The library’s circulation of online materials has increased approximately 35% during the pandemic closure,” said Grandgeorge of the upswing in use.
If you don’t care to use curbside pick-up, or technology is more your style, the Eagle Grove Memorial Library also has E-books, audio books, magazines and video that may all be downloaded by accessing the library’s web-page at Click on the Bridges link to view the items available. You will need your library card number to check out materials. If you do not have a library card or have lost your card, please call the library and they will help you.
If you don’t have internet at home, you can still download these materials, or use it to check your emails, search for information, etc., by accessing the library’s free WiFi. It is available outside the building in the parking areas, and as the weather improves, it’s available if you choose to sit on the benches or the picnic table in front of the library.
Another way the library staff has continued serving the community of Eagle Grove throughout the pandemic is offering curbside pick-up of copying and faxing services
“We have missed seeing and visiting with all of you just as much as you have missed being able to come into the building and take care of your business,” said Grandgeorge.
In the meantime, they are preparing for the day when they can open again. They have continued to purchase and process new materials, which means a lot of new and exciting things for the public to enjoy.
“The most popular question I have been hearing is ‘When will you be opening?’ I don’t have an answer at this time,” said Grandgeorge. “We do have a plan for a phased reopening.”
Those plans include the requirement of mask wearing and the number of people allowed into the building at one time will be limited. They also ask that you don’t linger within the building, visiting with others to ensure the safety of others. Also, not all computers will be available to allow for distancing.
“The biggest change will be in the children’s room as we have removed all of the activities that children have become accustomed to playing with,” said Grandgeorge.
For now, though, please remember the library is not yet open to the public. The staff hopes you will continue to access their online options or take advantage of the curbside pick-up. They also hope you know, they too are anxious to be able to open their doors and welcome their patrons back inside the building.
“We are looking forward to returning to what will be the ‘new normal,’” said Grandgeorge.