Sara Rooney takes over as 4-H food stand manager


After many years of Marcie Broderson, with a lot of help from husband Bill and their kids, managing the 4-H food stand at the fair Sara Rooney takes over the position and she is excited about her new ‘second job.’


“I saw on social media that the position was open,” said Rooney. “I’m always looking for a second job in the summer, plus I am a former Wright County 4-H’er. I thought it was a good fit for me.”


She is originally from Goldfield, and currently lives in Ames and has her summer’s free because she is a teacher at Saint Cecelia School. She was given a good head start thanks to Marcie. “She left impeccable notes,” said Rooney. “They are very valuable in planning for this. It will be a challenge, but she’s helped me prepare. I’m pretty confident.” However, just to be on the safe side Broderson and one of her daughters showed up a bit to help ‘train’ Rooney.


She admited to being ‘a little anxious’ about the supplies and amount of food prior to the fair, since the numbers she is using are from 2019 as the stand did not open last summer due to the pandemic and a “considerably different fair.”


She has kept the menu pretty much the same. “TJ Huntley did the rolls and pies,” said Rooney. “I could have done those, but I wanted to get things overall up and going first.”


In her spare time she likes spending quality time doing stuff with her kids. One thing that didn’t change this year was seeing many Wright County 4-H kids helping in the stand by taking shifts to work the front counter and fill orders or help with food prep or clean up. “It teaches the kids those skills that they will need out in the working world,” said Rooney. “It’s a great environment for them to get that. In fact, my own kids helped out also. “We appreciated everyone who stopped to eat with us and supported 4-H.”


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