If you’ve ever had a loved-one receive Meals-On-Wheels, you know it is about so much more than just a hot meal delivered to someone’s home. It’s also about personal interaction – a chance for these homebound men and women to have a visitor to look forward to seeing Monday through Friday. Anyone who has ever delivered these meals, or received these meals, will tell you that Meals-On-Wheels volunteers are more than just delivery people. They are a friendly face who also checks in on the well-being of the recipients.
“Our Meals-On-Wheels delivery people are instructed to go in and make contact with people,” said Eagle Grove Meals-On-Wheels Site Director Loretta Baker.
Of course with COVID concerns, they have been very limited, but she explained that they are still to make sure they physically see the recipient to make sure they are okay.
Recently, two volunteers made a life-saving discovery. When they delivered the food to a woman’s residence, they found her on the ground. They immediately called 9-1-1. The woman was taken by ambulance to Clarion, and was later life-flighted to Mason City.
“This is the second time Meals-On-Wheels volunteers have discovered someone who needed help since I’ve been the site director,” said Baker of her last five years. “I don’t think people in the community realize what our program is really all about…it’s an important service.”
Eagle Grove currently delivers around 55 meals every day. They would be happy to add any qualifying residents to their list of stops. If you are homebound and would like to receive Meals-On-Wheels, Baker encourages you to call 515-448-5365 and add your name to the list.