Council accepts bids to dispose of equipment

The Eagle Grove City Council opened the bids received for several items of equipment they no longer need at their meeting this past Monday. The successful bidders and price paid were as follows: Landis Motley-ambulance for $150; Jim Buhr-Ford Explorer for $506; Jim Buhr-Ford Crown Vic for $506; Robert Sprague-Cushman 3-wheeler for $500; Rich Christensen-snowblower for $310; Jerry Maier-diesel generator for $250; Kevin Trager-front loader for $900; Joe Chamberlin-stop lights for $63.16.


The final version of the development agreement with Daybreak Foods Inc. was approved. It states, in part, that before public funds are used for grants, loans or any other financial assistance that the Council must determine that a public purpose will reasonably be accomplished. They believe that to be true in this case, and will grant them an amount not to exceed $325,000 for their building project on the north side of the city and along Highway 17.


They held a public hearing to discuss the 2022 street improvement project. ISG Engineering has identified several potential streets for next year, and those include East Broadway. Northeast Second, North Jackson, Parkview, Southwest First, Northwest Eighth and Cadwell. According to city administrator Bryce Davis, if no underground infrastructure issues are present that just a milling and overlay would save some money. He feels that East Broadway is a prime candidate for a total reconstruction, while Northeast Second is eligible for farm to market funding. The latest numbers show North Jackson with a high traffic count. No final decision was made at this time.


In other action the Council:

-approved the third and final reading of an ordinance pertaining to fences around private swimming pools;

-approved a beer/liquor/wine permit for Eagle Grove Greenhouse.


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