Zach Dodge, the grandson of Barb Dodge, spent five years in Eagle Grove as a child before moving to Webster City with his parents, Kelly and the late Bill Dodge. That is where he began to find his calling of faith while attending the Church of Christ.
“I had some youth ministers who really influenced me,” Dodge said.
In 2017, during his senior year of high school, Dodge started attending Grace E. Free Church in Eagle Grove, and even served as a co-leader for a Bible study group there. During this time, he got to know Youth Pastor Tim Olson. In fact, he even traveled with Olson a couple of times on mission trips to South Dakota. After graduation, when Dodge left for ministry studies at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, he still made sure to attend church at Grace E Free in Eagle Grove whenever he returned back home to Iowa.
“I felt drawn to Ozark Christian College because the professors are great, and the students seemed to have fun, but were still drawn to Christ,” said Dodge.
After graduating from college with a BA in Arts and Christian Ministry in Dec. of 2020, Dodge returned back to the area, accepting a job at Vantech in Webster City. He also did some substitute teaching. Now, he is excited to say that he has moved into his field of study working part-time on the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship team at Iowa Central Community College, and part-time as the new youth leader for Grade E Free Church in Eagle Grove.
“It’s really cool,” Dodge said of his new position he started with Grace E Free on Aug. 2. “I love that I now get to play a positive influence role where I once attended as a student. I’m looking forward to re-establishing old relationships, and developing new ones.
Dodge added that he is excited to start this new chapter, noting that he realizes Olson and his wife, Lori, were at Grace E Free for so long, that he realizes it will be a time of transition for everyone.
“I’m looking forward to finding what students want out of their youth ministry, taking them on field trips, and teaching them how to navigate life with a Christian view,” said Dodge.
He said that like Olson, he will encourage the kids to invite their friends along to youth group meetings, even if they don’t attend Grace E Free Church.
“I really want this to be a place where people feel welcome,” said Dodge. “I don’t want them to feel pressured….and I want them to have fun, make friendships, and develop their faith.”
As youth leader of Grace E Free, Dodge will be leading middle school and high school youth groups on Wednesday evenings throughout the year, be a Grace Kids ministry helper, and serve in different capacities for Sunday morning services. He also has something new in mind he would like to try and get coordinated.
“I would love to do a service trip with GoServ Global,” he said.
In his free time, Dodge enjoys playing guitar, running, board games, reading, playing sports with his friends, and making coffee.