Wellness Center was topic of discussion at Monday evening’s City Council meeting

The Eagle Grove City Council met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.  Present for the meeting were Schild, Jergens, Weland and QuintusAlso in attendance: Mayor McGrath, City Administrator Davis, City Attorney Legvold, Police Chief Beltran.  Pamperin and Middleton were both absent.


The Wellness Center and the future of the expansion project was once again a topic of discussion at the meeting.  After being tabled from their last meeting, the council put forth the effort to make a decision.  The first motion made by Schild and seconded by Weland was to agree to accept the current contract and take over the Wellness Center.  The motion failed.


“We want the contract to be relevant to the Wellness Center only.  The first contract had items that were not relevant to the Wellness Center,” said McGrath.  “We did not want the current agreement with those items in there.”


After some discussion, a new motion was made by Weland, with a second by Quintus, to continue accept the Wellness Center contingent upon contract agreements.  They will continue negotiating with Rotary Club of Eagle Grove and work in good faith to ensure an agreement is negotiated that the City Council can accept the Wellness Center.  Schild was they only Naye sayer.


“We agree to take it, we just have to make the agreement relevant to the Wellness Center only,” clarified McGrath.


The council also opened sealed bids for leasing of farmland and awarded Triple C Livestock a Cash Rent Lease agreement for $335/acre.


In other business, the Council approved all Consent Items including a building permit for Duane Kingery on Spruce Drive for a storage shed, a beer/liquor license for Dona Martha on West Broadway; approved Resolution 2021-45 to set a date for a public hearing for re-precincting; discussed the Economic Development Local Business Support Program and the Commercial Construction Incentive Program; and received and placed on file the Union Agreement Proposal beginning July 1, 2022.


The next City Council meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 1.



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