The Eagle Grove City Council met in regular session on Monday evening, Nov. 1. Council people Pamperin, Weland, Schild, Jergens, Middleton and Quintus were all present for the meeting along with City Administrator Bryce Davis and Mayor Sandy McGrath.
There were several items on the agenda. First approved were the consent items which included building permits for Nate Hughes (Fence), Steve Vanderlinden (Shed), Yaremar Marilyn Benitez Reyes (Sidewalk), Luis Castro (Garage). A Beer/Liquor License was also approved for Broadway Spirits (B&S Crossings).
The Council also approved payments which included: Pay Application No. 7 to Wicks Construction in the amount of $144,528.72 for the Downtown Streetscape Project, and Pay Application No. 5 in the amount of $90,103.22 to Yohn Co. for the 2021 Street Improvement Project.
The Council approved Change Order No. 4 with Yohn Co. for the 2021 Street Improvement Project. Mayor McGrath explained that the change order was due to elevation issues. A storm sewer intersection collapsed.
“An intersection had settled too far and replacement pipes needed to be adjusted to assure that drainage had fall,” she stated.
The Council also discussed 2022 street improvement projects. The Council will continue to pursue a Parkview Drive engineering study on what it would take to make needed improvements to the street. McGrath stated that it probably won’t be done in 2022 because most likely it is going to take extensive work, and will need to give engineers more time to continue to look at what potentially needs to be done.
“We just don’t feel like we can do it that quickly in order to get it done in 2022. We want to make sure we have all our facts,” said McGrath.
Instead, the Council decided to focus their 2022 projects on streets without a lot of infrastructure or curb and gutter issues. Watch for that information as it develops.
Improvements will also happen at the cemetery. The Council reviewed bids on doing more paving out at the cemetery. There were several zones. The council decided to go ahead with paving the area by the cemetery shed.
In other business the Council:
Reviewed and approved the Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Financial Report; reviewed and discussed Economic Development Local Business Support Program and the Commercial Construction Incentive Program; reviewed and approved Resolution 2021-46: A Resolution Authorizing Economic Grants Subject to the Eagle Grove Urban Renewal Plan, reviewed and approved on Resolution 2021-47: A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement between the City of Eagle grove and S.E.H.
The Council’s next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 15.