In Wake Of Drag Show Controversy, City Leaders Make Progress

Last Monday night’s meeting of the Eagle Grove City Council featured a public hearing on Eagle Grove ordinance 2021-08, which would amend provisions in the city’s ordinances regarding adult entertainment. The sections at issue, had defined crossdressers as adult entertainers by default. Which, all of the council affirmed as each had done previously, was not the intent of the ordinance.

The ordinance would still stand, Mayor Sandy McGrath made very clear, but the amendment changes the language to avoid labeling all cross dressing as a form of adult entertainment. The question is not adult entertainment, that ordinance still stands,” said McGrath, “it is because that ordinance specified male or female crossdressing.”

“I just thought we were going to revise that,” asked Martha Kaiser, proprietor of the Doña Martha’s Office tavern where the event that sparked previous controversy, and outcry from the LGBTQ+ community, had been held.

“What we’re revising is that we had some insensitive words in there,” McGrath explained, pointing out that the language labeling cross dressers as adult entertainers had been removed, but the ordinance as amended still stands.

“If crossdressers are dry-humping patrons it will still violate the ordinance as amended,” city Attorney Brett Legevold clarified.

“Is it my understanding that we are still able to have the show,” Kaiser asked

To which Legevold responded that if it were a “traditional drag show”, including singing and dancing, and a variety show type of entertainment, it would be permissable under the ordinance, as amended. But McGrath said it would have to be “looked at” more closely.

As for lap dancing at future events, which have proven popular, Kaiser was clear. “I guarantee that will not happen,” she assured the council.

McGrath pointed out that the original ordinance, which included the insensitive language was a “cut and paste kind of thing” that had been used in many other local ordinances in towns around America. In eliminating the language, Eagle Grove is creating a model other towns can follow in the same manner, to eliminate both confusion, and discrimination.

The approach addresses unintentional insensitivity towards cross dressers, and the LGBTQ+ community. While at the same time standing firm on protecting the local community from the adverse effects of adult entertainment. Solidifying the city’s zoning power, to prevent adult entertainment businesses from operating in any place in proximity to other aspects of our community, such as general businesses, homes, schools, and churches, which should be kept well apart from them.

The council then held the first reading of the amended ordinance. To become law, the ordinance will have to be considered and read out twice more.

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