If you were dreaming of a white Christmas a few weeks ago, you can at least take solace in a very white mid-january. Heavy snowfall blanketed most of Iowa, dumping ten or more inches of heavy, slushy snow on Eagle Grove last Friday. With the National Weather service reporting snowfall numbers throughout the city of between 8 and 12 inches.
And while the weather warmed up on Monday, leading to some meltoff, the slushy snow is still complicating travel on the city streets and county roads as of this writing. Snow plows were out in force from the start, working hard through the weekend and on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and haven’t abated. Indeed, anyone with the tools to move snow has been hard at work.
Fortunately, according to Chief Ray Beltran of the Eagle Grove police department, there were no major accidents or injuries reported locally due to the snowstorm. Some people got their vehicles stuck, and there was some slipping and sliding on the roads, but for the most part “people seemed to just hunker down”, Beltran said, “the weather kept a lot of people at home.”
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