Pharmacies have a monopoly problem. The 3 largest Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBMs) touch close to 90% of all prescriptions in the United States – greatly consolidating power and limiting my ability to care for my patients and my community.
What started as a way to electronically process claims has morphed into a Frankenstein. PBMs have found ways to siphon billions of dollars away from patient care to their own pockets. The good news is the Iowa House just passed a PBM reform bill 96-0. Now we need the Iowa Senate to take action.
We have an opportunity to provide transparency to a broken system. By preventing PBMs from forcing patients to use their own out-of-state mail order facilities, we can help our local pharmacies continue to invest right here in Iowa. Pharmacists want to help our patients! Ask your State Senator to pass PBM reform so we can continue serving you!
Andrew Spurgin, Pharm.D.
Vice President/Pharmacist, Estherville Pharmacy LLC
Estherville, IA