In December of 2019, a lively bunch of musicians met in Dows for their usual ‘Texas-style jam.’ As music, dancing and good times were shared, the group had no idea that they would not be able to meet again for over two years. Now after a 28-month COVID-induced break, the band is back together.
According to Terri Avery, one of the organizers of the jams, they have been happening for years and found their home in Dows fifteen years ago. “We started the jams in the machine shed at home,” said Avery. “We went to Rowan and then to Clarion’s Heartland Museum. We kept outgrowing places. So we ended up in Dows at the Convention Center.”
Terri and her mother-in-law Annie Avery, along with Marlo and Denny Watts host the Dows events. Before the long break, they were doing about nine jams per year. Avery said the regular event started because the Watts loved to dance and they had the great convention center space to use.
“We never know who’s going to show up, but we usually end up with anywhere from 15 to 20 musicians,” said Avery. “They come from Hardy, Hampton, Dumont, Webster City, Fort Dodge, and even Des Moines.” She explains that the musicians don’t have a set list. They just take turns playing what they know and enjoy and everyone else joins in as best as they can. The music is usually old-time country and bluegrass in style.
“Some people play music, some dance, some just like to sit and eat and visit,” added Avery. “In our heyday about 10 years ago, our crowds were probably about 200 people but that has dwindled with time and the age of people.”
Folks bring food to share at the jams. “It started out simple as cookies and chips and now it’s evolved to salads and a full potluck supper,” noted Avery. They also take a free will offering to pay rent on the building. The musicians are never paid. If there is money left over after rent is paid, they donate to Dows Spirit of Giving or the Dows Senior Center.
Avery also stressed that everyone is invited out to their next jam, scheduled for Wednesday, May 11 at the Dows Convention Center from 6-9 p.m. Who knows what you’ll hear!