Benjamin J. Hanson, aged 30, of Eagle Grove was a first year math teacher at Eagle Grove High School when the Dubuque police department opened an investigation into Hanson on March 31st, related to events which took place just over one year ago.. That investigation led to charges of sexual exploitation of a minor causing the minor to engage in a sexual act, and enticing a minor under 16 for a sexual purpose, being filed against Hanson.
According to court documents, the investigation began when the alleged victim and her mother met with a Dubuque Police investigator and disclosed that the minor had “dated” Mr. Hanson for less than two months in the spring of 2021, when she was 15 years old.
The victim allegedly met Mr. Hanson while he was working at a Target store in 2021, where the two exchanged phone numbers. On their first day of communication by text message, Hanson informed the minor that he was 29 years old, and she responded that she was 16. But days later the minor informed Hanson that she was “almost 16”. Later that same evening, after the minor revealed she was not yet 16, Hanson allegedly asked the minor to record a video of herself simulating an oral sex act, and sent her messages with sexually explicit language.
The court documents reviewed by the Eagle also indicate that Hanson and the minor met in person on one occasion in May of 2021, during which time they kissed.
A review of the minor’s cell phone data by investigators allegedly uncovered 4,976 text messages between Hanson and the minor. Many of these contained sexual messages and entreaties for them to engage in sexual activity, as well as encouraging the minor to engage in sexual acts, and send him “sext” messages. The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines sexting as “to send someone a sexually explicit message or image by cell phone.” Among the messages were several “selfies” which Hanson sent to the minor, as well as messages which acknowledged her actual age, and instructions from Hanson to the minor not to tell anyone about him because of the illegality of their relationship, and his ambitions of becoming a teacher.
Reached for comment on Hanson’s arrest, Eagle Grove Superintendent of Schools Jess Tolliver explained that the school district had run a background check on Hanson before hiring him, and the State of Iowa had done so as well before licensing Hanson as a teacher, as is regularly done. But because the events occurred the previous spring before Hanson was hired as a teacher and had not come to light until the same day as Mr. Hanson’s resignation, “there was no kind of background check that could have caught this.”
According to Hanson’s letter of resignation, he was given until 3:00 pm that day to resign on his own, which he did in an email sent at 2:21 pm. Tolliver acknowledged that the school district acted quickly upon being informed of the matter.
“The charges stem from an incident that occurred before he was employed in Eagle Grove, and did not involve any Eagle Grove students,” Tolliver said in a phone call to the Eagle. “As soon as we learned of the matter we requested his resignation, and he no longer works for the district.”
Asked if there had been any after the fact reports of misconduct by Mr. Hanson to come to the Administration’s attention, Tolliver said that there had not, but that if any were brought to their attention they would be investigated thoroughly and the district would take appropriate action as quickly as possible. “If any parents, students, or staff have any concerns about this or any other matter the Administration is, and I personally am, always available,” Tolliver remarked.