Several Eagle Grove adults and elementary kids were among the 1,800 Iowa Special Olympics Athletes and Unified partners who competed in the Special Olympics Summer Games last month, May 19-21. Last week we reported on the High School and Middle School results.
In the adult competitions, two Eagles took first place medals home, Emily Wilson for the softball throw, and Sara Krahling for the 50 meter dash. Wilson also took home a 3rd place medal in the 50 meter walk.
Wayne Schope took 2nd in the Softball throw, and also 7th in the 100 meter dash. Daisy Kinison took 5th in the softball throw, as did Michelle Garrett, who also took 5th in the 100 meter walk.
In the elementary competitions three more Eagles took home the first place medal. Nick Willard for the softball throw, Tevin Barnes-Toillion in the 200 meter dash, and Kayce Toliver in the 100 meter dash. Barnes-Toillion also took 3rd place in the softball throw.
Colt Craven took home a 4th and a 5th place medal. Craven won 4th in the softball throw, and 5th in the 100 meter dash.
Congratulations to all of Eagle Grove's Special Olympics competitors!