Supervisors Approve New Courthouse Security System

The Wright County Board of Supervisors held a brief meeting on Monday, with Chairman Pro-Tem Dean Kluss facilitating discussions. Supervisor Karl Helgevold was present via telephone and Chairman Rick Rasmussen was unavailable for the meeting.

At 9:30 a.m. The board voted to go into closed session to discuss information concerning security procedures or emergency preparedness. After the closed session discussion, the meeting returned to open session and the board voted to approve the new security system from Lynx Systems with the quote presented of $26,850.

Wright County Engineer Adam Clemons discussed Resolution 2022-26, regarding Bridge Embargo for Bridge #8 on Dows/Williams Rd, informing the group the road is now open. The resolution was approved. Clemons also informed the group of final plans for project BRS-8550(601)–60-99 for Bridge #211 in the City of Woolstock. Several upgrades and changes are planned, and bid letting is anticipated for October 2022. The total programmed project cost is $1,500,000 of which City BR funds are slated to cover $1,000,000 of the cost and County BR funds will fund the remaining $500,000. The board voted to approve the project, pending title page signatures by all three Supervisors to be collected next week. Clemons also gave his weekly Secondary Roads Update on projects going on around the county.

The third reading of Ordinance #64 on repeal and replace Planning and Zoning Ordinance #5 was tabled until July 5th at 9:30 am, citing the continued work on the ordinance making it not ready for a vote.

Other items included approval of the 2022-23 certified salaries for Wright County Employees, and Wright County Public Health Director Sandy McGrath giving a brief report on COVID-19 vaccine approval and order updates for all age groups in Wright County.


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