Pop-up food pantry to be held in Dows

Across the state, food pantries are seeing tremendous increases in the number of food recipients. In Clarion, the First Lutheran Food Pantry has seen nearly double the number it has helped to feed over the course of the summer. On July 28th, 2022 they report that they helped to feed 237 individuals; on June 9, 122 individuals were served. They are not alone; food pantries across the state have reported to the Food Bank of Iowa that they are seeing significant increases in food recipients as food prices and living costs continue to rise. This comes at a time where Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits have returned just slightly higher than pre-COVID amounts and supply shortages contribute to increasing food costs, which has significant implications for those living at or below poverty level in Wright County.

To help support community members, the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Wright County Office, Dows Grocery Store, First Lutheran Food Pantry, Gift of Giving, and the Wright County Public Health are holding a Pop-up Pantry at the Dow Community Center on Sunday, August 14th from 1-4pm. The free event will offer a community meal, pork loin giveaway as supplies last, clothing and food pantry items, free glucose and blood pressure screenings, and community resource information will be provided.

If you or your organization are interested in volunteering or for more information on how you can support your local food pantries, contact Missy Loux at louxm@iastate.edu or 515-532-3453. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. For the full non-discrimination statement or accommodation inquiries, go to www.extension.iastate.edu/diversity/ext.


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