The Wright County Board of Supervisors met Monday with Supervisor Karl Helgevold stepping in as Chairman Pro-Tem and Supervisor Dean Kluss present. Chairman Rasmussen was absent for this meeting.
Jeremy Abbas, Assistant to the Wright County Engineer, asked the board to consider the 2022 Standing Corn Snow Fence Policy, which is a voluntary program that started last year in Wright County for landowners growing corn. Maintainer operators identify areas at high risk of blowing and drifting snow and contact landowners in these areas to ask for participation, by allowing the county to purchase rows of corn to help serve as a block . The price paid changes yearly based on yield, and the range of six to twenty-four rows used are paid by the acre. Prices are determined by taking the highest of two estimates from August 1 pricing for October delivery plus $2.00. The policy was approved. Abbas continued with the weekly Secondary Roads update.
The group next voted to receive the Sheriff’s monthly revenue report of $3190.63 as well as approve the 28E Agreement for General Law Enforcement services from the Wright County sheriff’s department to the City of Dows. This agreement has been utilized in the same fashion for the past five years. Per the agreement, the City of Dows receives four hours of guaranteed patrol and 911 responses, but no city ordinance enforcement.
At 9:30 a.m. Spencer Peck and Ivan Droesler with ISG discussed a resolution to implement guidelines and procedures for a utility crossing within the drainage districts for the Summit Carbon Solutions CO2 pipeline. Peck and Droesler stated this needs to be in place before the pipeline construction begins to establish protocols for construction, maintenance, repairs, and restorations within the drainage district. This includes fee structures for work done. According to ISG, this agreement will have no impact on negotiations between Summit Carbon Solutions and individual landowners. After the discussion, no vote was taken. Discussion and research will continue, and decisions will be made at a later date.
At 10:00 a.m. the supervisors participated in a hearing on Joint Drainage District #100-2 with Franklin County to review the Engineer’s Report and recommendation on how to move forward on a project involving drainage that runs under a road and through trees near the Iowa River. After a discussion of the poor tile condition, input of landowners, impact on conservation, project cost, and tree impact and remediation, the engineers report recommended an open ditch solution to the issue. Franklin county made a motion to close the public hearing at 10:49 am to all ayes.
The Wright County Supervisors made a motion to proceed with the open ditch project as recommended. Franklin County’s Supervisors agreed. A motion and second to continue with the project as recommended carried with all ayes. The Franklin County group will talk more with conservation and then move forward with an easement before going out to bid.