"Be kind, rewind." It's an old saying these days that's so out of the zeitgeist that a lot of grown-up folks (perhaps even some reading this) would have no recollection of it. No frame of reference for it at all. And yet many of us remember a time when the phrase was a regular part of our lives. Indeed, for many the word "rewind" would probably have no meaning, were it not for online video players borrowing from the VCR's and DVD players of old.
For those youngsters reading this and scrunching up their foreheads in confusion about the word "rewind" and its meaning, a brief lesson. Once upon a time, some of the best music and films ever recorded were copied onto "tapes" for distribution. Those tapes were very long, very thin strips of plastic coated in a thin layer of metallic coating that could be magnetized. All operating on one form of reel to reel structure that wound the tape onto one reel as it was unwound from the other. And to return the tape to the beginning, or even an earlier part of the recording, was literally to rewind the tape. Something we were all admonished to "be kind" and do, so the next person wouldn't have to before they could watch or listen.
In those days, it quite rightly took on the secondary connotation of being a reference to days gone by. To remember, was to rewind. So when I was trying to name this new/old regular feature that will be popping into the Eagle on a regular basis (where we reprint something interesting or a few interesting somethings from our archives) I thought Rewind was the perfect title. One which, itself, is almost as much an echo of the past as the content of the feature will be. It seemed fitting.
Life always seems to be on Fast Forward. So sometimes a little rewinding seems very welcome. Therefore, going forward, we'll sometimes go backwards. And so, welcome to the first Rewind.
From the Eagle Grove Eagle, Volume 88, No. 38, published 50 years ago this week on September 21, 1972:
Saddle Club board sponsors a show
The official board of the Eagle Grove Saddle Club hosted a closed trophy show for its members, Saturday evening Sept. 9.
Joe Blondahl, president of the club, and Leland Knack, board member, shared the announcer spot. Judge for the show was Larry Carlson of Hampton. Dave Messerly, vice president of the club, was ringman. He also assisted the judge with the stop watch. Mrs. Larry Carlson assisted the announcer and recorded the time. The gate was attended by Lyle Tilghman and other members of the club. Miss Cheryl Koepke was the ribbon girl for the show.
Each first place winner was awarded a trophy and blue ribbon and all other winners a ribbon.
The following were winners in each class in order of placing.
Western Pleasure 12 and under – Kathy Knack, Shari Biondahl, Ginger Anderson, Jo Olson.
Western Pleasure 13-17 – Linda Sobek, Rodney Frye, Randy Frye, Larry Gonder, Karen Johnson.
Western Pleasure 18 Over – John Nessa, Linda Benedict, Veda Davis, Clair Davis, Dick Peschau.
Walk Trot 9 and under – Shawn Nessa, Jill Messerly. Billy Damon, Max Norton. Ricky Johnson.
Break the Gait 40 and over – Clair Davis, Shorty Yoder, Veda Davis, Lyle Tilghman, Kenny Kvale.
Poles 12 and Under – Kathy Knack (Tizz), Kathy Knack (Sugarfoot), Kathy Knack (Star), Dean Johnson, Jackie Carlson.
Poles 13-17 – Larry Gonder (Flicka), Kent McCart, Linda Sobek, Rhonda Yate, Larry Gonder (Ute).
Poles 18 and over – Sally Messerly, Allan Kohlhaas. Linda Benedict, Kenneth Kvale, Howard Kohlhaas.
Cloverleaf 12 and Under – Dean Johnson, Shari Biondahl. Kathy Knack, Jackie Carlson, Rolonda Carlson.
Cloverleaf 13-17 – Larry Gonder, Lou Ann Gonder, Jack Damon, Randy Frye, Wes Willson.
Cloverleaf 18 and over – Sally Messerly. Allan Kohlhaas, Linda Benedict, Del Gonder, Kenny Kvale..
Stake Race 12 and Under – Shari Biondahl, Dean Johnson, Jackie Carlson, Kathy Knack (Sugarfoot), Kathy Knack (Star).
Open End Barrel 13-17 – Rodney Frye, Randy Frye, Wes Willson, Larry Gonder. Blanch Weaver..
Bare Back Dollar Bill 18 and over – Sally Messerly, Ray Pyle, Clair Davis, Lyle Tilgh man, Kenny Kvale.
Key Hole Open – Randy Frye, Jack Damon, Kenny Kvale, Ronnie Fortune. Rodney Frye.
Barrel Pick Up 12 and Under – Shari Biondahl – Kathy Knack; Jackie Carlson Rolonda Carlson: Shari Biondahl Kathy Knack; Shawn Nessa Jill Messerly; Shawn Nessa Jill Messerly.
Ground Pick up 13 and Over – Jack Damon and Larry Gonder, Allan Kohlhaas and John Nessa, Howard Kohlhaas and Lou Ann Gonder, Sally E Messerly and Randy Frye. Roger Kallem and John Nessa.