School Board Votes To Resurface Track

The Eagle Grove Community School District Board of Education met Monday, September 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
All three principals were present to share highlights for their buildings during the Communications & Celebrations section. Elementary Principal Jared Carder talked about the annual flag raising ceremony, exploring the new math curriculum on new projector devices in each elementary classroom, bus safety and expectations for Kindergarten through 4th Grade, and the success of the Reading Buddy bears donated by Eagle Grove Alum Deb Townsend. Middle School Principal Josh Schild talked about the first day of school happenings, the Middle School Glow Party dance, a new geocaching activity, welcoming new teachers, WIN (what I need) time for students, and a new practice to have photos of each ET Classroom group. High School Principal Heidi Vasquez shared that Back to School Night went well with the addition of a passport activity to acclimate students to their schedules and rooms, updated the board on Professional Development for High School teachers, described the success of the new eSports program, and was excited to report that unexcused absences are down 51.6% from the same time last year. 
The group scheduled a work session for Monday, September 19th at 6:00 p.m. to develop goals for Superintendent Jess Toliver for the 2022-23 school before hearing from the Elementary Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) Team about their goals, celebrations, and Professional Development updates. 
The track for EGCSD is in poor condition, and either needs to be resurfaced or replaced. A new track would cost approximately $1,000,000, which Superintendent Toliver does not believe iis feasible in the foreseeable future, so the board has voted unanimously to move forward with the resurface at the quoted price of $164,175 in order to get the work done this fall.
A trip request for the Eagle Grove Golden Stars Drill Team to Florida to perform during a college football bowl game was approved, as was a change to the Middle School handbook regarding midterm grades and extracurricular activity participation that Principal Schild felt was too stringent. Students will be required to attend 9th hour, but can then go to practice while trying to get grades up. 
Three purchases of over $25,000 were approved by the board. A Chrome Books purchase from Blue Ally for $85250, Kendall Hunt Math Curriculum and Professional Development for $35,000, and Middle School Electronic Controls from Oldson’s for $35,351 were all passed unanimously. 
The Academic Progress Report for 2021-22 was approved, as were two early graduation requests, before discussing Board Policy Update expectations.
Board Member reports included updates that the Dick Bell Invitational for Cross Country is October 4, and the Iowa Association of School Boards conference is November 16-18.
Before adjourning, Superintendent Toliver gave his report, which included details about air conditioning repairs, a positive review of the eSports program encouraging teamwork and cooperation for participants, and an update on the elevator installation. 
The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.

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