The Wright County Board of Supervisors held their regular meeting on Monday with Chairman Rick Rasmussen and Supervisor Dean Kluss present and Supervisor Karl Helgevold attending via Zoom.
The meeting started by unanimously agreeing to receive the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center annual financial and audit compliance report. Wright County Auditor Betty Ellis added the full audit is available online by searching Audit Reports – Auditor of State.
Jeremy Abbas, Assistant to the Wright County Engineer, gave the weekly Secondary Roads Update. This week, workers are paying special attention to agriculture service roads, which are busy during harvest, with spot blading of gravel. Secondary Roads staff completed 31 work orders last week. They are also working on mileage reports, brush cutting and concrete patching, and will soon begin mowing ditches to prepare for winter.
At 10:00 a.m. the board discussed a petition by the Pogge’s filed July 11, 2022 regarding repair of a land bridge in Wright County Drainage District #107, Lateral #1 and unanimously approved the appointment of McClure Engineering to investigate the repair or improvement, the details of which will be on the agenda for a future meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m.