Are you interested in making a positive impact within the Eagle Grove area community but feel you have limited time to give? Have you ever said to yourself, “I wish there was something I could do to help them out,” about a community family or complete stranger you knew that was going through hard times?  If so, then 100 Women Who Care-Eagle Grove Chapter might be for you! 

Founded in 2021, 100 Women Who Care-Eagle Grove Chapter is one of more than 700 similar groups located worldwide that focus on coordinating funding for local families in need. We gather at quarterly meetings for roughly an hour to hear three short presentations on local families in need. Members vote and each person writes their check for $100 (or gives cash) directly to the winning recipient/family chosen for a collective, impactful donation. 

The group is run entirely by volunteers with no administrative fees solicited from members. Once all the money has been collected, then a member will award the recipient their amazing donation! Together, we will have made a positive difference in our community four times a year!

The Quarterly Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings and the schedule looks like this:

5:30-6:00 pm: Arrive at Rails & Check-in, get name tag, voting card & nomination slip, grab a beverage and enjoy some social time with friends! Optional meal – (order off the menu)

6:00-6:10 pm: Nominations are submitted 

6:10-6:25 pm: We draw 3 random nominations & talk about each briefly 

6:25-6:35 pm: You Vote – Drop your voting card into the box of choice 

6:35-7:00 pm: Count Votes, Announce Recipient & you write your check to the recipient (or give cash) and write a get well/thinking of you card if you choose. We will try to contact the recipient or family member that night for a picture with the group, so please stay for that if you can, otherwise members are free to leave whenever they need to.

If you cannot make it to a meeting, you can still participate via a member present at the meeting or through our Facebook page. What’s so nice about this is that even if you can never attend a meeting because the time simply doesn’t work for you, but you still want to be a member, you can! Simply drop off your donations at Sampson Accounting office prior to (or within a week after) the event. 

If you prefer to remain anonymous, simply give cash. If $100 quarterly is more than your budget will allow, simply partner up with a friend and each of you can donate $50! There are various ways to be a member of this amazing group and you’ll be glad you are! 

While 100+ Women Who Care-Eagle Grove Chapter is relatively new to Eagle Grove, the organization has donated over $18,000 to date! This concept of “100 women who care” getting together and pooling their donations for someone in need began back in 2006 by a woman in Michigan. Using this concept, 130 ladies raised $13,000 in less than an hour for a local cause. Since then, the concept has exploded and there are now literally hundreds of Chapters around the United States. 

So, ladies come join us on Wednesday October 26th and bring some friends! Contact me, Ann Sampson, if you have any questions or if you would like to join! Unsure if this is for you, guests are always welcome to check us out with no obligation!


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