School Board Approves Baseball Field Drainage Work

The Eagle Grove Community School District Board of Education met Monday, October 10th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Directors Tracy Crail, Dr. Elaine Schope, and Angie Capsel were present, with Directors Dr. Aaron Parrott and Darren Robinson absent.
The principals from each building were present to share their Communications & Celebrations. Elementary Principal Jared Carder shared that PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) met, 4th graders learned about puberty in separate sections for boys and girls, an environmental club of students had their inaugural meeting during recess, a Professional Development focused on phonics and writing was helpful, and the students enjoyed the Homecoming festivities.
Robert Blue Middle School Principal Josh Schild talked about fall sports, a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) reward of a photo scavenger hunt was successful and those photos will be displayed at parent teacher conferences, Homecoming was a hit, and 6th grade students took their trip to Rockford to dig for fossils. Two upcoming events for RBMS include a 5th grade career day at Iowa Central Community College and a 6th grade Donuts for Dads event. High School Principal Heidi Vasquez discussed a successful Professional Development during which staff analyzed student work in teams and developed plans to address areas of concern, Homecoming festivities, recent Volleyball and Cross Country successes, the new E-sports program is going well and will compete soon in Marshalltown, the Marching Eagles placing 2nd at Algona Band Day, and a guest speaker from the US Army who spoke to the iJAG (Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates) class. Principal Vasquez also shared that the High School musical is scheduled for November 4th-6th. 
The consent agenda items included one resignation, one open enrollment request, and the addition of a premium to bus driver contracts for those who have longer routes. 
The board heard updates from the TLC Team, with members Janae McKinley and Carrie Christopher presenting the group’s goals, committee work, schedule changes, professional development, and upcoming learning around standards based grading.
One purchase in excess of $25,000 was approved, which will improve drainage in the baseball field. Iowa Athletic Field construction company will do the work, which includes redirecting the water so it drains into nearby tile, as well as reworking areas around the pitcher’s mound and home plate areas. The project is estimated to cost $31,900, for which money is available, and needs to be done this fall in order for the field to drain properly for the next baseball season.
Superintendent Toliver’s goals for 2022-23 were included in the board packet, a discussion to add a soccer team was tabled, and a modified supplemental amount for the special education deficit, which reimburses the district for past expenditures in Fiscal Year 2022, was approved for $271,494.47.  
Additionally, the group approved SIAC Committee Members with two minor name and title changes and discussed a necessary review of policies to change wording for Critical Race Theory and other  items to be in line with state policies, as required.
Board member reports included Board President Tracy Crail sharing the success of the 5th Quarter program, giving students a place to spend time safely after football games.
Superintendent Toliver’s report stated all three buildings will have parent teacher conferences on October 25th and 27th, the implementation of a girl’s wrestling team is underway, and certified enrollment due October 15th, but is unofficially down 23 students which could lead to budget challenges. Additionally, the new elevator in the Emerson Building is installed but still needs some finishing touches before it is considered operational and open for use. The new track has been laid, but still needs to cure completely before getting new lines. In order to improve the longevity of the track and keep the field clean, the district plans to limit access to the area, including signage stating dogs are not allowed.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

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