A Busy fall and winter for Wright Warriors 4-H’ers


The Wright Warriors 4-H’ers have had a busy fall and winter. They have had a couple of business meetings in October and November. After the October business meeting, the members created over 200 farmer snake bags to deliver to Gold Eagle in Goldfield/Eagle Grove, Thor, and NEW coop in Woolstock and Vincent. 


Some members helped at Rotary Inn Ice Cream Social on October 16. On November 6, the Wright Warriors attended the Wright County 4-H awards in Dows, and several members received multiple awards. Afterward, the club held its monthly business meeting. 


The club adopted three families to purchase presents for and then had a Christmas party for the members. Later the members sang Christmas Carols at Rotary Inn. On Saturday, January 14, 2023, the club prepared four different recipes of freezer meals for Upper Des Moines Opportunity to distribute to families in need in the Eagle Grove area. 


Members worked in groups to assemble multiple batches of each recipe and prepare them to be frozen. Laurie Beilke, Pampered Chef Consultant, and former 4-H parent and leader, worked with each group of 4-H’ers and parent volunteers to provide direction and answer questions as they prepared the recipes. Overall, sixteen meals were prepared and donated. Some of the cost of the ingredients were covered through a grant from the Wright County 4-H Foundation. 


The Wright Warriors 4-H club with meet again in February for their business meeting and has begun planning workshops related to Home Improvement for later this spring, along with a family fun night. 


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