Next phase of Schoonover Monument project gearing up

Eagle Grove has a historic scouting program, which was first started by Howard Schoonover, the first scoutmaster west of the Mississippi. More recently, the Eagle Grove scout troop was resurrected in 2020 after a 15 year lapse by Scoutmasters Rick Dawson and Craig Voss. And the pair have since had a remarkable run of success in producing Eagle Scouts – the highest rank available in scouting, and one which has become the hallmark of leaders throughout the years. 

16 year old Michael Umthun is looking to become the next in a long series of Eagle Scouts to come out of Eagle Grove's historic scouting program over the past few years, under the leadership of Dawson and Voss. And to that end, he is now  gearing up to begin the sales of commemorative bricks to make his addition to the Fish Pond Park monument to Schoonover, which also honors Aaron Eilerts, and was erected last fall by Cole Fourage, as his Eagle Scout project.

Umthun, who was named to the elite scouting group Order of the Arrow last year along with his father, has been on a long road in scouting. Starting in Webelos (WE'll B LOyal Scouts) Umthun then went on to Cup Scouts, and the the boys Scouts USA troop.

There've been some funny stories along the way. Umthun told the story about how Scoutmaster Dawson had promised the scouts that the winner of a popcorn sales fundraiser would be allowed to slap a pie in Dawson's face. But Umthun misunderstood, and for weeks was terrified that he would lose the contest. "I thought I was a dummy," he laughed, "I thought I was gonna be the one to get the pie in the face." With motivation like that, it was no surprise that Umthun sold his fair share of popcorn.

Another funny anecdote centers around what Umthun called "Big John."

"Big John is this monster of a hill that you have to look back and forth to even make it down, and then you realize that you have to go back up. That really hits you as a little one, Umthun chuckled.

Recently Umthun has stepped up and become a leader within his troop. "I got more encouraged when I got to first class, and qualified for order of the arrow," Umthun said, describing how his determination grew. "And once I had experienced scouts at a basic level, I just really wanted to advance.

Last year, Umthun "stepped up to the plate," said Scoutmaster Dawson, to become the troop's senior patrol leader. And seeing that Umthun was ready, Dawson offered Umthun the second phase of the project as an Eagle Scout project. Umthun jumped at the opportunity.

This phase entails laying down the brick patio to surround the monument. Umthun has partnered with Eagle Monument company, and with to source and engrave the bricks to make up the patio, with commemorations of loved ones, inspirational, or even commercial messages. And clip art options are available, too.

Bricks will be available in a variety of sizes and shapes, with prices running from $100 to $110 for a 4x 8 brick, $200 to $210 for an 8×8 brick, to as much as $350 for a 12×12 brick. Those interested in sponsoring a brick can contact Umthun by email at


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