Supervisors Approve Tax Rebates for Major Employers

The Wright County Board of Supervisors approved over $575,000 in tax rebates for two companies at the May 22 meeting.

Prestage Foods will receive $548,790 in rebates, based on their certified employment. There are 650 employees who work at the facility for Prestage; that number increases to nearly 1,000 when contracted services such as cleaning and food service are counted.

ReNewtrient, which is located near Dows, was given a $35,464.30 rebate. That is 50 percent of the eligible property taxes paid by the company. Darrel Steven Carlyle, county economic development director, said ReNewtrient will be starting production again soon, and will decide on a new business plan within 90 days.

In other business, the supervisors:

—approved liquor license for the Belmond Area Arts Council for two events this summer: a tractor pull in June and the antique power show in August. The license will be issued once the county receives proof of dram shop insurance;

—approved levies for drainage districts in the county and joint districts in Hancock and Humboldt counties;

—appointed Dr. Anastasia Burke as deputy medical examiner;

—heard about additional work needed on C-70, including french drains to help water drain away from the road, additional asphalt work and wider shoulders;

—heard that the railroad has signed off on work planned for a bridge in Woolstock;

—and heard that the county purchased road salt as part of a Department of Transportation bid.

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 30 due to the Memorial Day holiday.


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