First graders learn work can be fun at Career Academy

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"


That's the question we all remember from our childhood, and it's the key question which first grade students from Eagle Grove Elementary explore atIowa Central Career Academy's Career Academy day as the school year wound to a close, in May.


First of all, each of the first graders was asked that life changing question and then posed for a polaroid with the answer, to take home. And then it was on to meet local experts in a variety of fields.


With Wright County Director of Public Health Sandy McGrath, who also happens to be the Mayor of Eagle Grove, the kids discussed insects, and disasters. Kids got to explore who to turn to for help in a disaster, and what some of the various equipment used by emergency crews looks like. They also learned how to help reduce the mosquito population by throwing away trash and preventing stagnant water pools where mosquitoes breed.


"I love it," said McGrath, "these first graders are like sponges!"


Other fun activities included exploring fire trucks and police cruisers, listening to a dog's heartbeat, getting to try on a fireman's gear, and getting their own badges!


Kids got to talk to Police Chief Ray Beltran about what it's like to be a police officer. "Nowadays, quite a few of the kids would like to be police," Beltran noted.


 Other kids talked with Fire Chief Tom Peterson and fireman Garret Quintus about such things as how heavy their gear is, and how hot a fire gets. "It's a good experience," said Quintus, "and of course you get to show them different aspects of public safety."


"Kids love it," said Dr. Elaine Schope of the Emerson Veterinary Clinic & Hospital, "they all think it's better than real school!"


Of course, nobody is holding the kids to their answers, and the whole idea was to give them a chance to explore some options, and see that working for a living can be pretty interesting! Only time will tell what paths they all choose.




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