Gold-Eagle Cooperative to purchase Eagle Grove property to house main office

Over the years, as Gold-Eagle Cooperative continues to grow and employ more people at the main office, there have been many considerations as to various ways to accommodate this expanding workforce. The current building is capped out on space for offices and functionality is lacking. Over the last three years several options have been explored; adding on to the existing office in Goldfield, building a new office at several locations, or renovating existing buildings that were available for purchase. In total, Gold-Eagle looked at over a dozen different options from new lots to renovations. 


Chris Boshart, General Manager/CEO of Gold-Eagle Cooperative announced last Wednesday that, earlier this week, Gold-Eagle Coop’s board of directors approved a project to purchase an existing building located on the outskirts of Eagle Grove. Over the course of the last two months, there have been thorough inspections completed, conversations had with construction professionals (including plumbers, electricians, general contractors, etc.), and other due diligence measures taken. With all of the information in hand, Gold-Eagle is confident in the decision to move forward with the purchase and begin renovations early this fall on what is locally known as the “Eagle Grove Mansion”.


An architect team has been working to design a layout with offices and meeting spaces that will fit Gold-Eagle’s needs both today and into the future. A couple of the elements that will be beneficial are a large conference area that will be able to comfortably hold grower meetings, staff trainings, and more. There will also be smaller conference rooms with the ability to have webinars in smaller teams. Space for additional offices to be added in the future is a benefit as well. There are several reasons that this option ultimately came out on top versus a completely new build. One important one is the overall total finished costs have come in significantly discounted compared to a new building and there are some unique features that would not have been possible in a new build. 


“We are looking forward to calling this space and Eagle Grove our “Home Office” sometime in the middle of 2024” said Boshart. 


The current Goldfield office will remain a fully operational and staffed location similar to the other Gold-Eagle locations. Please direct any questions about this purchase and/or move to Elizabeth McOllough at the contact information listed above. Additional information will be provided as the project progresses.




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