The latest in the recent series of “@ The Hall” events at the newly spiffed up Memorial Hall was the Family Fun Day, sponsored by Eagle Grove Empowerment, Eagle Grove Parks & Recreation, and the Eagle Grove Rec Center, with crafts provided by Studio Sol. The Girl Scouts were also on hand selling their world famous yummy cookies, and kids celebrated the weekend before Presidents Day with patriotic art projects.
“I love participating in events like this,” said Studio Sol owner and artist in residence Sara Middleton, “because I get to connect with families who may not know about Studio Sol, plus help our town be more vibrant and inclusive.”
“The groups that partner to present these events are giving us opportunities to enjoy our town and our neighbors in ways that are cost effective and accessible,” Middleton added. “I hope they grow in attendance each time and continue for years to come!”
Entry fees were just $3.00 per person. Donations raised at the Family Fun Day “are NOT going into any personal accounts,” wrote organizer Cassidy Reed. “We are currently teamed up with the parks & recreation, and all donations are going into that account with a separate ledger of the Eagle Grove Empowerment donations.”
Davis addressed questions about verifying the accounting of funds, writing, “all donations and expenses are coded with EMPGRP to keep them separate from other parks and rec functions.” Which, Davis pointed out, would then go through the claims process at the City Council meetings, which are open to the public – and such transactions are also reviewed by third party auditors. “The City follows State law and all generally accepted accounting principles,” Davis concluded.
Reed also offered her thanks to all those in the community who have supported the group, “it’s very much appreciated,” she wrote, adding “be on the lookout for some fun events coming up!”