Utility Board Meeting Addresses Infrastructure and Legal Matters

The Utility Board convened bright and early on Monday at 7 am with trustees Peterson, Ryerson, Bisson, Jeske, and Ketihman, City Administrator Davis, Wastewater Superintendent Brockman, City Attorney Legvold, and lawyers Pace and Cwiertny of the Shuttleworth & Ingersoll law firm in attendance. On the agenda was the purchase of infrastructure components and a closed door session.

The board kicked off the meeting by unanimously approving the purchase of a new controller and associated parts for “critical power generation infrastructure” from Ziegler. After which, department reports were given.

From 7:11 am until 8:53 am the board was in a closed session in accordance with Iowa code 21.S{c), “to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the government body in that litigation.”

Following the closed session it was unanimously decided to send a letter regarding the matter at the heart of the closed session.

The meeting was then adjourned at 9:04 am.


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