Last week, I filed my signatures and affidavit of Candidacy to run for the Iowa Senate.
Thank you to the good folks of Story, Hamilton, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, and Hancock Counties who helped me get this far.
This district has changed due to redistricting. While urban Iowa House and Senate districts got smaller, most rural districts got bigger. Most folks in Senate District 28 admit to me they have never met Sen. Dennis Guth (R) of Klemme.
A bit about me:
I have been married since 1982 to John Paschen, MD. John and I met at Iowa State University in 1978, our freshman year.
John and I divide our time between our home in Ames and our farm just south of Jewell in Hamilton County. Our daughter Madeline lives in Chicago and our non-binary adult child, October, lives in Des Moines.
I look forward to sharing impressions from you and your family about issues like public schools, public libraries, and Area Education Agencies (AEAs.) Your voice matters. Reach out by phone or text to me at 515.509.1034. And please, keep it civil.
Cynthia Paschen (D) is an Iowa Journalist, mother of two, and a current candidate for Iowa Senate, District 28. Contact Paschen at